Medical expert reports


AEH experts draw up export reports according to the current guidelines of the Swiss rheumatology association (SGR), Swiss Orthopaedics (SGOT), the Swiss Society for psychiatry and psychotherapy (SGPP) and the Swiss society of nephrology (SGN) in collaboration with certified medical SIM experts.

The expert reports issued by our team include the following fields:

  • unidisciplinary (rheumatological-orthopaedic)
  • bidisciplinary (rheumatological-orthopaedic and psychiatric)
  • polydisciplinary expert reports

An integral part of our assessments is the evaluation of work-related, functional performance capacity (EFL) according to the quality criteria of the Ergonomy group of the Swiss Association of Rehabilitation (SAR), which is integrated into the expert report.

Function-oriented medical assessment (FOMA)

  • Assessment during 2 half-days including the evaluation of work-related, functional performance capacity in an adapted form and a rheumatological-orthopaedic evaluation and counselling
  • Target groups:
    • Daily sickness benefit insurance companies
    • Social security insurances

Household assessment (HHA)

In connection with the evaluation of household damages in the liability and social security field, we offer a specific household assessment (HHA), which is based on the following partial evaluations:

  • Household-specific adjusted EFL
  • Rheumatological-orthopaedic evaluation
  • Household visits

The evaluation is carried out in relation to individual household requirements and according to SLFS.

AEH corporate health experts offer comprehensive knowledge for Corporate Health Management. The team consists of occupational physicians, occupational hygienists, safety engineers, ergonomists and occupational psychologists. 

We are available at any time for detailed analysis and advice.