Olga Zilke
AEH medical expert
Olga Zilke has worked as a doctor since 1984 and as a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Russia since 1989. Since 1998, she has worked in various clinics, acute care hospitals and rehabilitation clinics in various departments (internal medicine, surgery, trauma surgery, rheumatology and rehabilitation) in Germany. She was then recognised in the FRG as a specialist in physical medicine/rehabilitation, manual therapy and chirotherapy. From 2007 to 2016, she headed her own practice for physical medicine/rehabilitation in Germany. At this time, she undertook further training, in particular as a medical expert (EFL and ZAFAS in Switzerland). Since 2014, Dr Zilke has worked for AEH Zurich as a medical expert. Thanks to her varied training and many years’ experience, she is particularly committed to a holistic approach to human health.